Wednesday, 20 March 2013

P&C Buzz News

Hi All

Many thanks to all of you who attended Monday's Pand C meeting, we had a great turn out and I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

I understand that the Pand C Federation sent someone along to attend the meeting.  As Shanti has rightly pointed out, we are not quite running the Pand C with the correct protocols and David Hope, Regional Pand C Rep, advised me last week that we indeed do need to have "financial" memberships in operation, voting systems in place properly, etc., etc. He sent Sharryn along to give advice on how we run our meetings. He didn't get chance to forewarn me but I'm sure that Sharryn's presence at the meeting was intended to be helpful.  I am going to suggest that David Hope meet with our new Committee to continue to advise on our processes.

Thank you to Howard for stepping in and chairing what I know was a very long meeting, but I think we had some very positive outcomes. Thank you to Shanti for inviting Mark Kearns along, I hear it was very useful to have him there.  I will try to get a group together to set up the School Watch program as soon as we can, so we can work with the school and community to effectively trial this - I believe it as a PandC led program. Please let me know asap if you are able to help with this.

So the AGM will be held on Monday the 8th April.  All positions will be up for re-election, so if you are on the Committee and would like to stay please put yourself up for re-election (and let me know now via email).  Other positions will definitely be up for nominations.  So far I have one for President and one for Vice President.  I am sorry to report that Michelle Theunissen will not be standing again as Treasurer.  Michelle has worked very hard at this role for the last three years and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for all her efforts and analysis of our funding over that time. Great job! Hard shoes to fill, but if anyone out there would like to take on the Treasurer position please let me know, I'm sure Michelle would be more than happy to talk you through what the role entails. 

If you are interested in any of these roles please contact me and I will give you some more information. 

Thanks to all, especially for your understanding over my distraction and lack of time over the last few weeks.

The minutes of Monday's meeting will be available soon, I assume Caroline has a lot of notes to plough through, so your patience would be appreciated.


Sunday, 10 March 2013


The next P&C meeting will take place in the School Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 18th March. This will be a regular meeting and not the AGM, and there are several important items on the agenda. We would encourage you to come along if you are interested in these topics and welcome everyone's thoughts.

Agenda includes:

1.  Security Issues. Shanti has invited a Security Director from the Dept of Education's Security Unit to join us. He will talk to us about policies and also about the advice given to the school in relation to vandalism and potential solutions.  This will be an excellent opportunity for us to hear from the Security Dept and to ask questions.
2. Priorities for funding in 2013. The P&C funds come from tireless fundraising by all families in the school so come along and have your say about where this money should be spent.
3. Fundraising:-
Options for Fireworks Night this year 
Preliminary details about this year's Major Fundraiser

4. Principal's Report.

5. Environment update.

6. Uniform Shop - initial conversations about considering an on-line option.

If you are not able to attend the meeting but would like to submit a question or comment, then please email your class parent or Ros Van Extel, the P&C Class Parent Coordinator (on, or make a comment on the blog - some comments have already been made, which is great.   Join a conversation thread or start your own.  

This year, we have a revised Federation of P&C's handbook and Beauty Point, in it's historically relaxed manner, has not been 'officially' running the P&C in the way intended in the regulations. 

One of these requirements is that whilst everyone at the school and anyone who lives in our catchment area has an open invitation to attend a P&C meeting to listen and air their views, only official P&C Members can vote on a decision.  It's not an onerous task - you attend a meeting and pay $1, this ensures your financial membership and you can then vote on decisions at your next meeting. This will mean that officially voting on decisions can't take place on Monday night but it won't stop the discussions. It will mean that for our AGM we will all be able to vote.

We hope to see you on Monday night and if you want to become a paid up voting member please bring $1 (no cheques thanks).

Damian and The P&C Committee

The next P&C meeting will be held on 18th March, 7.30pm in the school hall.

Please use the comment box below to request anything to be added the the agenda, or speak to you class parent.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Easter is just around the corner with the return of the GREAT Easter Egg fundraiser.
In the past we have raised several thousand dollars for the school as well as having lots of fun around Easter!

The Beauty Point Great Easter Egg Hunt is one of the highlights of the children's school year - a chance to run around the school collecting as many Easter Eggs in your pockets as you can! This will be held at 3pm on 28th March (last day before the Easter break)

All the eggs are donated by the parents and can be purchased from the P&C Easter Egg stall at the school for $4 a packet OR by filling in the order form and returning it to school. You can choose to donate your purchased Easter eggs to the Easter Egg Hunt, or buy some for friends and family and we will send them home with your child.

Many of our parents support the Easter Egg Fund Raiser by taking an Easter Box which contains 20 packets of delicious chocolate eggs for you to sell for $4 to your family, friends, work colleagues, gym friends or as a gift for Easter. The box costs $80 with $30 going directly to school.

Your support of the Easter Fund Raiser is much appreciated!


Thank you David and Sally Kelly!

A big thank you from all the Year 1 parents to David and Sally who opened their house for Year 1 parents get together.

The vodka slushy's went down well, as did the wonderful food and great selection of wine and beer!

A fantastic turn out from all the Year 1 parents - so lovely to see so many of you there.

Year 3 Easter Egg Fund Raiser

Easter is just around the corner with the return of the GREAT Easter Egg fundraiser.
In the past we have raised several thousand dollars for the school by selling boxes of Cadburys chocolate eggs.

Below is an order form to buy a box of chocolate eggs at a cost of $80 with $30 going directly to school. Each box contains 20 packets of delicious chocolate eggs for you to sell to your family, friends, work colleagues, gym friends or as a gift for Easter.

There will be an additional option to donate monetary funds as well or as a replacement for purchasing the Cadbury box.

We thank you in advance for helping our school by contributing to the Easter fundraiser!

The Easter Egg Fundraising Committee

Chloe Cantwell (0403 392 486)      Tiki Blake (0401 994 466)        Mandy Sigaloff (0403 547 620)


Easter Egg Order Form

Your Name:_________________________Contact number:______________

Child’s Name:_______________________ Child’s Class:________________

1.  We would like to sell a box of mini eggs for $80          Number of boxes required                     [     ]                                                              
2.  We would like to make a tax deductible monetary donation to the school

    Amount:    $ ____________  (For tax deductible donations please make cheques payable to “BPPS P&C Building Fund”)                                   

For payment  please tick one of these options:

[       ]    Direct deposit of funds to “Beauty Point P & C Association”
           BSB: 633 000
           Account Number: 139367924   
           Please add your child’s name as reference for this payment

[       ]      I am attaching a cheque made payable to “Beauty Point P & C Association”

[       ]      I am sending cash

  Please return this form in a sealed envelope to the School Office by Friday 15 March  

How to comment on the P&C Blog

I have spoken to a couple of parents who have tried to comment on the Blog unsuccessfully.

Thank you for taking the time to feed this back and I hope the tip below fixes the problem.

When you have written your post you need to select a box in the "Comment as ......."

You can either leave a message from your Google account (your Google name will show) OR select "Anonymous" and your post will apear without your name.

The P&C really appreciates feedback from the community and if you have any problems please email me and let me know.

Kind regards


Monday, 4 March 2013

Message from the P&C President

Dear all,
I was going to announce that I will not be standing again as P&C President in the next Buzz, but following on from Shanti’s note on Sunday felt that I would write to you all directly today.  I want to thank Shanti for her kind words and to let you know that this is not a decision I have taken lightly.  I have really enjoyed being given the opportunity to fill this position and contribute my time to the school over the past year.  However, increasing work commitments and overseas travel mean that I can no longer devote the time that this role deserves.  
One of my aims when I became President was to encourage more people to get involved in the P&C.  Our involvement in the school has always had remarkable results – the parents of this school tirelessly raise funds that pay for things we now take for granted  the play equipment, smart boards, the science room demountable, air conditioning, the list goes on, Through the P&C, parents work tirelessly behind the scenes in areas like the Band, Uniform Shop, Reading Programs, lunch orders, etc.

I feel we have achieved our two main goals in the past year -
that parents, especially from the younger years at the school, have been encouraged to get more involved in the P&C and we have effectively increased communication between the P&C, school and the parents; but going forward we need someone who can be more "present" to fill this position. 
Schools are facing more and more pressing issues (budget cuts in education, regional school over-capacity issues, etc.). Our school is under constant pressure to not only maintain the high standards but also comply with constantly changing regulations and directions.  The P&C and School Council are here to try to support the Principal in this constantly morphing environment.
Our next P&C Meeting is an important one, as we hold the AGM first, where new Committee Members are voted in.  After this, on the same night, there will be a Regular P&C Meeting to which all the community is invited.  Please feel free to come, we have lots to discuss, and your opinions are important. I will be posting an Agenda and date/time for the meeting in the Buzz.
The P&C can play a part in supporting the best interests of the school and engaging parents so that we can continue to encourage the enthusiasm to raise funds, help decide how they are spent, and to make a difference to our children’s education.
Thank you 
Damian Hollingsworth
P&C President

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Family Fun Day!

Hi everyone

Big thank you for everyone who supported the Year 1 'Family Fun Day' event this Sunday!

We can't quite believe how lucky we were with the weather… it literally started raining as we finished packing up.

Thank you to everyone who helped today - have never seen so many delicious baked goods… and everyone's help throughout the day was fabulous - from set up / clean up to selling, BBQing, painting, organising games - the works.  Thank you.

I'm pleased to say we raised $1090.25!  Awesome effort

From Year 1!

P.S. The next P&C fundraiser is the Year 3 Easter Event - only 3 weeks away! 
If you think you could sell 20 bags of eggs to work colleagues, friends and family ($4 a bag, cheaper than in the shops!) Please order you box of eggs now, they will be delivered for pick up at the school. 
Download the Easter Egg order form now!