Sunday, 21 April 2013

AGM minutes

Description: BPPS Ken Done       Beauty Point Public School
17 Medusa Street Mosman 2088.Telephone: 9969 4260
Fax: 9968 1210. ABN 93 925 091 177
OOSH Care: 9960 1095

8 APRIL 2013

Meeting was opened by President at 8.15pm.

Attendance: Shanti Clements (Principal), Damien Hollingsworth (President) Caroline Trotman (Secretary),), Mandy Sigaloff, Mel Tyas, Ros Van Extel, Caroline Smith, Kevin Gallagher, (acting Principal) Adam Baker, Karen Phiilp, Laura Hollingsworth, Rico Merkert, Sophie Duffy, Audrie Purcell, Beverley Witherington, Kate McLeod, Richard Howes, Lauren Adam. Rosie Connor, Sally Scanlen, David Rutter, Tamara Kening, David Kelly

Apologies: Michelle Theunissen (Treasurer) Howard Portrate (Vice-President),

Approval of previous AGM minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19 March 2012 be accepted as a true record of that meeting.
Moved: Damien Hollingsworth                         Seconded: Ros Van Extel

1. President’s Report
The President reported on what has been a very successful year for Beauty Point P and C. Communication both within the school and with the community has been enhanced, with the information night and the new blog. The P&C has opened up to a new younger generation of parents. There is far better integration with class parents. Attendance at P&C meetings is now the highest ever, evidenced by the turnout at this AGM. The P&C’s fundraising activities are making a very real difference to the ability of the school to deliver on its key priorities.

The President thanked all those parents who make a contribution, to the band, the uniform shop, supporting school activities.

2. Treasurer’s Annual Report
The AGM will be reconvened at the next P&C meeting to consider this report. The AGM is unable to consider this report, as the accounts have not been audited in terms of P&C constitution.

3. Election of Office Bearers
The Returning Officer thanked the outgoing President for his efforts and in particular his focus on building a culture of communication. Ms Clements thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their efforts. She also thanked Howard Portrate for his extraordinary contribution to the school over 7 years, and who efforts have seen such developments as the smartboards, air conditioning, and improvements to the playground.

Shanti Clements called for nominations from the floor.  The following office bearers have been elected for 2013:

Mandy Sigaloff
Two nominations were received Mandy Sigaloff and Beverley Witherington. Voting cards were completed and Mandy received the majority of votes.

Vice President
Richard Howes
Seconded: Sophie Duffy

2nd Vice President
Beverley Witherington
Seconded: Mandy Sigaloff

Sally Scanlen
Nominated: Mel Tyas
Seconded: Ros Van Extel

Caroline Trotman
Seconded: Ros Van Extel

5. Confirmation of Financial Members for 2013

Given the earlier noting that the Accounts in the Annual Report have not been audited and therefore cannot be considered at this meeting, the following motion was proposed.
Motion: That the AGM be adjourned to consider the audited accounts the next general meeting.
Proposed: Ros Van Extel
Seconded: Mandy Sigaloff

The AGM adjoined at 8.45pm.

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