Tuesday, 11 June 2013

School Grounds and Environment.

At the last P&C meeting 3 items where discussed that involve the school grounds and environment -

1. The exposed area from the removal of the Library Demountable.
2. The water logged Government Road entrance to the school.
3. Working bee.

There is a possibility that the demountable area will be used for an extra classroom in the near future as school enrolments increase, but in the interim we need to make it more accessible to students without it costing a lot of money. Mel Tyas, the P&C's Environment Advisor, presented a plan that involved a grassed area and sleepers for seating that was received well by all attending the P&C.

The Government Road access to the school becomes a soggy bog whenever we get a down pour. This has been discussed on many occasions with solutions presented. These have either reduced the children's play area, or had an impact on the accessibility to the school by cars/lorries/emergency services through this entrance.

Mel presented a mini wetlands solution at the P&C meeting (plan below) that would dry up this area, as well as maximise the play area and entrance. We received an Environment grant in 2012 and a motion was passed that remaining funds from this grant be used to create this mini wetlands.

Mel suggested a working bee afternoon where parents could come and give a hand in creating the new demountable area as well as a good tidy of the gardens and grounds. An email will be going out through class parents and we will post the date on this Blog. This is a great day to bring children of all ages to play and help out and we provide a sausage sizzle so you don't have to do dinner so please come along.

If you have any feedback on anything on this post please use the comments box below.

Many thanks

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