Uniform Shop Update.
The P&C has been reviewing the way BBPS runs the uniform shop for a number of months after receiving feedback from parents requesting flexibility in the way that parents can purchase uniform items. Last term an online ordering system was launched, in addition to the Friday morning opening of the uniform shop.
I am afraid that due to the lack of parent volunteers, running the uniform shop in this way is no longer an option and at the P&C meeting on 22nd July it was voted that we would look at outsourcing options.
After careful consideration it was decided that Pickles in Brookvale would manage the BPPS uniform shop from W/C 5th August. This decision was based on pricing of the uniform, quality of uniform items, flexibility to update and review the uniform, convenience for parents and reliable service.
There are a number of benefits in doing this -
1. We will no longer be calling on parents to run the uniform shop every week.
2. The Uniform Storeroom will be vacant and handed back to the school as much needed storage space (Kevin is already measuring up!)
3. The $30,000 value of the uniform stock that the school holds will be paid to the P&C from Pickles and used for educational and support resources for the school.
4. There is an option to order your uniform items online 24 hours a day, these are delivered to your child in their classroom FREE OF CHARGE every week
5. You can visit the Pickles uniform shop in person to try items on and review the uniform options, they also do alterations.
6. The P&C does get a 5% rebate on all purchases from BPPS parents. It will be proposed at the next P&C meeting that these funds could be used towards establishing a hardship fund which could help subsidise any additional uniform costs for low income families at the school.
7. Kevin is working with the children on a review of the uniform, keeping the same colours but looking at different styles and fabrics - we are very excited to see the feedback from this.
We would also like to introduce a 2nd hand uniform shop that would be open at the beginning and end of every term. Parents would be asked to donate outgrown uniform for the sale dates. Again, funds raised from this could be used in the P&C hardship fund.
Although there will be a small increase in the cost of SOME of the items of the uniform, the costs are still very much in line, and in many cases cheaper, than other public school uniform prices in the area. I have attached the proposed Pickles price list and other public school prices for your perusal.
And finally.....
We have some wonderful parents who have volunteered to open the uniform shop this Friday 2nd August. If you would like to come along and pick up any uniform items before the move to Pickles it will be open from 8.45am.
Mandy Sigaloff
P&C President
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