Sunday, 17 November 2013

Creative Play Update

Creative Play Update                                                                 18th November 2013

Hi everyone,

I would like to update everyone on the BPPS Creative Play Project. This is an important proposal as it affects the school grounds as well as investment from the P&C.

In my role as President, I would like to ensure that the proposal is communicated in full.   Kevin Gallagher (as Acting School Principal) can discuss the needs of the school in context.  At P&C meetings, the school community are given the opportunity to ask questions, communicate their point of view and vote on this proposal.

The creative play project will be discussed as an agenda point at the P&C meeting tonight, 18th November (7pm school hall).  Any further discussion and a possible motion for funding will be deferred until the meeting on 16th December. Only paid members of the P&C have voting rights (members need to join the P&C at tonight’s meeting to be eligible to vote at the December meeting).

I would like to thank both Beverley Witherington and Sabine Simmonds for their dedication and work on this project. They have put in many hours, looking at ways to enhance the play areas in the school, and also to utilise these areas for education and learning for ALL age groups.

They have been drawing on Beverley's training and skills as a neuroscientist and her access to the latest research behind play concepts.  Current research suggests creative play is highly correlated with socio-emotional development, problem solving abilities, sensori-motor development and visuospatial awareness.  Furthermore creativity is viewed as a predictor of innovation & invention, and later academic success.  

The Creative Play proposal being put to the P&C is to have 3 new play areas –
a)    Water Play area that can be used area for science and mathematical concepts
b)    Spinning (Vestibular) play piece can be used for cognitive and sensorimotor development.
c)    And a themed play area that can be used in literacy and drama

In the first instance, Beverley and Sabine would like to propose the following 2 items, for the P&C to consider for funding and be to be installed on the school grounds –

1) Understanding the dynamics of water
We are proposing that the sandy sloped area between the current play area & classroom is landscaped and developed into a water play area.  This would include a water pump, trough and wheel, quoted at $13,850 + GST -
We plan to develop (with UTS expertise see below), a water storage tank to use as a source, and also to explore environment sustainability, scientific and mathematical constructs.

2) Physical, social & brain development through vestibular movement
Basically this means a large spinning device that several kids can play on!  It would be sited adjacent to the tree near the wetlands area.  Scientific research into brain development shows that spinning (vestibular movement) stimulates connectivity of neural pathways in different brain regions, thus facilitating children’s brain development, including those with development delays and learning differences.

We have sourced a 'Dutch Disk' (2.5m diameter) that several children can stand on, quoted at $20,504 + GST.  We have chosen the larger structure for multiple children thereby facilitating communication, collaboration & negotiation through group play and interaction. 

3. Themed Play
Beverley and Sabine along with Kevin Gallagher and Jenny Beynon, met with two senior lecturers & architects from the School Interior Spatial Design & Architecture from the University of Technology Sydney.   The meeting generated a whole host of exciting ideas.  These included UTS developing a 2014 Semester 1 design project for their students to generate design ideas for our creative play space (at the western corner of the school adjacent to the wetlands area).  The brief to the students will be finalised at the end of this year.  Aspects of the design brief will include an aboriginal theme (tying into the rock carvings on site), educational as well as creative play value, and innovative learning and exploration for all students. 

The design project will be part of their assessable work for next year.  Once designs are complete, we anticipate involving the students and broader school community in viewing & voting on the designs, having an exhibition of their design ideas at the school, inviting local press interest as well as collaboration with local indigenous artists on the project.

At the moment we don't have firm design or costings as we are in the early stages. Updates on this will be provided at the P&C meetings.

If you have any ideas or could contribute your thinking in any way whatsoever, please have a chat with Sabine or Beverley. Contact details are:
Sabine Mb 0421 216971, email
Beverley Mb 0400 999 313, email
Or please forward your comments to:
Mandy Sigaloff, email

Many thanks everyone, your input is important and I look forward to seeing you at the P&C meetings.


Mandy Sigaloff
P&C President

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Winners 2013 Sleek Geek Eureka Science Award!

Congratulations to our Year 6 group who won the  2013 Sleek Geek Eureka Science Awards for primary schools. 

Nathan G, Reuben S, Billy M, Jack D and Sasha B produced a three minute film called “What is Friction?”, which featured a number of experiments to demonstrate the idea of friction in witty and interesting ways. 

This is a massive achievement for Beauty Point students - This was a national competition, and the commitment of the students (and parents!) was rewarded as they proved that they are the best in Australia!

A big thank you to these boys who have contributed their $1,000 winnings to the Beauty Point Science department!

You can view the video entry here 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Help needed for Creative Play Project

The creative play project is an initiative started by BPPS parents Beverly Witherington and Sabine Simmonds. The idea is to provide a creative play area at the school that all the children can enjoy. There are many educational and social benefits associated to this type of play, Beverly presented some of these at the P&C meeting.

The project has the support of the school and 2 of the BPPS teachers are helping to move this forward. The team need further help  in an advisory role in design, architect, design, carpenter background, to help take this project to the next stage.

If you are interested, would like more information, or know anyone who could help please contact Beverley on her email address


Sunday, 28 July 2013

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Update.

The P&C has been reviewing the way BBPS runs the uniform shop for a number of months after receiving feedback from parents requesting flexibility in the way that parents can purchase uniform items. Last term an online ordering system was launched, in addition to the Friday morning opening of the uniform shop.

I am afraid that due to the lack of parent volunteers, running the uniform shop in this way is no longer an option and at the P&C meeting on 22nd July it was voted that we would look at outsourcing options. 

After careful consideration it was decided that Pickles in Brookvale would manage the BPPS uniform shop from W/C 5th August. This decision was based on pricing of the uniform, quality of uniform items, flexibility to update and review the uniform, convenience for parents and reliable service. 

There are a number of benefits in doing this - 
1. We will no longer be calling on parents to run the uniform shop every week.
2. The Uniform Storeroom will be vacant and handed back to the school as much needed storage space  (Kevin is already measuring up!)
3. The $30,000 value of the uniform stock that the school holds will be paid to the P&C from Pickles and used for educational and support resources for the school.
4. There is an option to order your uniform items online 24 hours a day, these are delivered to your child in their classroom FREE OF CHARGE every week
5. You can visit the Pickles uniform shop in person to try items on and review the uniform options, they also do alterations.
6. The P&C does get a 5% rebate on all purchases from BPPS parents. It will be proposed at the next P&C meeting that these funds could be used towards establishing a hardship fund which could help subsidise any additional uniform costs for low income families at the school.
7. Kevin is working with the children on a review of the uniform, keeping the same colours but looking at different styles and fabrics - we are very excited to see the feedback from this.

We would also like to introduce a 2nd hand uniform shop that would be open at the beginning and end of every term. Parents would be asked to donate outgrown uniform for the sale dates. Again, funds raised from this could be used in the P&C hardship fund. 

Although there will be a small increase in the cost of SOME of the items of the uniform, the costs are still very much in line, and in many cases cheaper, than other public school uniform prices in the area. I have attached the proposed Pickles price list and other public school prices for your perusal.

And finally.....
We have some wonderful parents who have volunteered to open the uniform shop this Friday 2nd August. If you would like to come along and pick up any uniform items before the move to Pickles it will be open from 8.45am.

Mandy Sigaloff
P&C President

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Band - Awards all round!

Concert Band Awarded a Gold
Junior Band awarded a Bronze

What a fantastic effort everybody (including us parents getting the kids to early morning practices)! Your children should be very proud of themselves for being awarded a Gold and Bronze certificate for the Yamaha festival.

To celebrate, we would like to ask you to send your child along with a nut free plate or packet of treats so they can have a little "party" after band practice tomorrow morning.

Thank you for all your support this term and I wish you all a fun and safe holiday break.

Kind regards,


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Athletics Carnival

Due to the wet weather the Athletics Carnival will be canceled today

It will be re-scheduled for 26th June.

Many thanks


Thursday, 13 June 2013

Beauty Point Band at the Yamaha Festival

Well done to students who played at the Yamaha festival this week and a huge thank you to the Band Committee and parents who became taxi's for the day, driving the children safely too and from the event!

David (conductor) said that the Judge was saying how impressed he was with the quality of music coming from a group of such young children just starting out in music! A real testament at how hard everyone has been working  at home, band practice, band camp and every week in rehearsals.

Rosie, the band committee and conductors are planning  some fun stuff for Term3 which will  keep the children enthused and challenged with their music moving forward.

We look forward to hearing the results!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

School Uniform Shop

At the last P&C meeting Caroline Smith presented a proposal to outsource school uniforms to Pickles so we could have the connivence of an online uniform shop. Demand for this option is there due to it's connivence for parents and better quality. The average increase in uniform cost if a full range was purchased online was $75.

The current uniform shop arrangement uses up space and volunteer time but it does generate a small profit for the school (circa $4 per annum). An online ordering system where you can download the order form and email it back exists but is not greatly used.

Concerns were expressed at the last P&C meeting regarding the increased costs of the uniform if we were to go the Pickles route, 2nd hand stock and loosing the revenue from the uniform shop.

The issue of uniform shops and stock levels is on the regional P&C agenda so many schools are facing the same issues.

Caroline, Michelle and I will be re-looking at how we can offer parents the connivence of online ordering but without the increased costs or loosing the 2nd hand option and the revenue it generates for the school.

If you have any comments or ideas please let us know by commenting below.


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

School Grounds and Environment.

At the last P&C meeting 3 items where discussed that involve the school grounds and environment -

1. The exposed area from the removal of the Library Demountable.
2. The water logged Government Road entrance to the school.
3. Working bee.

There is a possibility that the demountable area will be used for an extra classroom in the near future as school enrolments increase, but in the interim we need to make it more accessible to students without it costing a lot of money. Mel Tyas, the P&C's Environment Advisor, presented a plan that involved a grassed area and sleepers for seating that was received well by all attending the P&C.

The Government Road access to the school becomes a soggy bog whenever we get a down pour. This has been discussed on many occasions with solutions presented. These have either reduced the children's play area, or had an impact on the accessibility to the school by cars/lorries/emergency services through this entrance.

Mel presented a mini wetlands solution at the P&C meeting (plan below) that would dry up this area, as well as maximise the play area and entrance. We received an Environment grant in 2012 and a motion was passed that remaining funds from this grant be used to create this mini wetlands.

Mel suggested a working bee afternoon where parents could come and give a hand in creating the new demountable area as well as a good tidy of the gardens and grounds. An email will be going out through class parents and we will post the date on this Blog. This is a great day to bring children of all ages to play and help out and we provide a sausage sizzle so you don't have to do dinner so please come along.

If you have any feedback on anything on this post please use the comments box below.

Many thanks

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Fantastic Fireworks!

And what a great afternoon/evening it was!

Many thanks to All the Year 4 parents for organising such a great event, with special thanks to  Michele Theunissen, Sophie Duffy, Renee Bertuch, Alex Brown, Kate McLeod, Sarah Wormwell and Katrina Savage.

The fireworks were exceptional, rides were great fun, stalls where wonderful, and with the sun shinning in the afternoon it made for a perfect Fireworks Fundraiser.

A big thank you as well to all the parents who volunteered on Security, Stalls, or just helping out with lost children and 100 other little things that seemed to need doing - without you our school and fundraising activities wouldn't be so great and successful.

And finally to Mr Gallagher (School fundraiser MC) and the other PB teachers who gave up their weekend to spend it with the children and parents they see all week.

What a great school and community we have!

Mandy (P&C President)

Friday, 24 May 2013

FIREWORKS..... Today is ON!

 See you there from 2.30pm! It's going to be a great afternoon, rides have arrived - yipee!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

School Watch

A huge congratulation to our Security Working Group who have managed to organise BBPS School Watch.
Please support our school and community in stamping out vandalism by calling and reporting any suspicious behaviour. Help to keep our school safe and open for the Beauty Point Community to enjoy.


If you become aware of any untoward behaviour at the school, the DET Safety and Security Unit advise calling one of the following 3 numbers, depending upon the nature of the incident:

000 for Emergencies
Fires, persons on (inside) premises and severe injuries

1300 880 021
(School Security Unit)
For Schoolwatch concerns such as unauthorised people on site, damage found, unlocked and/or open/unlocked windows and doors.
This will be the number used most often and is manned by DEC staff 24 hours a day seven (7) days a week at the DEC’s Control Room

1300 363 778
(Safety & Response Unit)
For reporting incidents of threats, actual and potential harm to persons on site.
This number is less likely to be needed, if at all. Again this number is answered by DEC staff or seconded police officers at the Safely and Security Directorate. After hours this number is diverted to a staff member rostered for those duties.

AGM minutes

Description: BPPS Ken Done       Beauty Point Public School
17 Medusa Street Mosman 2088.Telephone: 9969 4260
Fax: 9968 1210. ABN 93 925 091 177
OOSH Care: 9960 1095

8 APRIL 2013

Meeting was opened by President at 8.15pm.

Attendance: Shanti Clements (Principal), Damien Hollingsworth (President) Caroline Trotman (Secretary),), Mandy Sigaloff, Mel Tyas, Ros Van Extel, Caroline Smith, Kevin Gallagher, (acting Principal) Adam Baker, Karen Phiilp, Laura Hollingsworth, Rico Merkert, Sophie Duffy, Audrie Purcell, Beverley Witherington, Kate McLeod, Richard Howes, Lauren Adam. Rosie Connor, Sally Scanlen, David Rutter, Tamara Kening, David Kelly

Apologies: Michelle Theunissen (Treasurer) Howard Portrate (Vice-President),

Approval of previous AGM minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19 March 2012 be accepted as a true record of that meeting.
Moved: Damien Hollingsworth                         Seconded: Ros Van Extel

1. President’s Report
The President reported on what has been a very successful year for Beauty Point P and C. Communication both within the school and with the community has been enhanced, with the information night and the new blog. The P&C has opened up to a new younger generation of parents. There is far better integration with class parents. Attendance at P&C meetings is now the highest ever, evidenced by the turnout at this AGM. The P&C’s fundraising activities are making a very real difference to the ability of the school to deliver on its key priorities.

The President thanked all those parents who make a contribution, to the band, the uniform shop, supporting school activities.

2. Treasurer’s Annual Report
The AGM will be reconvened at the next P&C meeting to consider this report. The AGM is unable to consider this report, as the accounts have not been audited in terms of P&C constitution.

3. Election of Office Bearers
The Returning Officer thanked the outgoing President for his efforts and in particular his focus on building a culture of communication. Ms Clements thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their efforts. She also thanked Howard Portrate for his extraordinary contribution to the school over 7 years, and who efforts have seen such developments as the smartboards, air conditioning, and improvements to the playground.

Shanti Clements called for nominations from the floor.  The following office bearers have been elected for 2013:

Mandy Sigaloff
Two nominations were received Mandy Sigaloff and Beverley Witherington. Voting cards were completed and Mandy received the majority of votes.

Vice President
Richard Howes
Seconded: Sophie Duffy

2nd Vice President
Beverley Witherington
Seconded: Mandy Sigaloff

Sally Scanlen
Nominated: Mel Tyas
Seconded: Ros Van Extel

Caroline Trotman
Seconded: Ros Van Extel

5. Confirmation of Financial Members for 2013

Given the earlier noting that the Accounts in the Annual Report have not been audited and therefore cannot be considered at this meeting, the following motion was proposed.
Motion: That the AGM be adjourned to consider the audited accounts the next general meeting.
Proposed: Ros Van Extel
Seconded: Mandy Sigaloff

The AGM adjoined at 8.45pm.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

P&C AGM followed by P&C meeting

The P&C AGM will be held at 7.30pm on 8th April in the school hall. All registered members of the P&C will be able to vote the new P&C Executive Committee into office.

You will be able to renew your P&C membership for the coming year at the AGM - please bring you annual fee of $1 along for the next 12 months membership.

Following the AGM there will be a P&C meeting, the agenda will be posted shortly. All paid members from the AGM will be able to vote at this P&C meeting.

All parents and community members are very welcome to attend.


MONDAY 8 APRIL 2013 @ 7.30pm
·         Welcome
·         Minutes of last meeting
a) Have all monies agreed by the P&C now been paid to the school account
 ($7.5k white boards, $30k SLA teacher, S10k curriculum resource, $5k Grounds – Michelle)
b) Have white boards outside of class rooms been replaced (Ros)
c) 3 year Technology Audit and Replacement Report (Shanti/Kevin)
·         Financial/treasurers update (Annual Report)
·          Security Working Group update
·          Band update - request for funds
·         Principal Report update 
(any new news from 18 March meeting) 
·         Other Business
(Next Meeting – 21 May 2013)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

P&C Buzz News

Hi All

Many thanks to all of you who attended Monday's Pand C meeting, we had a great turn out and I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

I understand that the Pand C Federation sent someone along to attend the meeting.  As Shanti has rightly pointed out, we are not quite running the Pand C with the correct protocols and David Hope, Regional Pand C Rep, advised me last week that we indeed do need to have "financial" memberships in operation, voting systems in place properly, etc., etc. He sent Sharryn along to give advice on how we run our meetings. He didn't get chance to forewarn me but I'm sure that Sharryn's presence at the meeting was intended to be helpful.  I am going to suggest that David Hope meet with our new Committee to continue to advise on our processes.

Thank you to Howard for stepping in and chairing what I know was a very long meeting, but I think we had some very positive outcomes. Thank you to Shanti for inviting Mark Kearns along, I hear it was very useful to have him there.  I will try to get a group together to set up the School Watch program as soon as we can, so we can work with the school and community to effectively trial this - I believe it as a PandC led program. Please let me know asap if you are able to help with this.

So the AGM will be held on Monday the 8th April.  All positions will be up for re-election, so if you are on the Committee and would like to stay please put yourself up for re-election (and let me know now via email).  Other positions will definitely be up for nominations.  So far I have one for President and one for Vice President.  I am sorry to report that Michelle Theunissen will not be standing again as Treasurer.  Michelle has worked very hard at this role for the last three years and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for all her efforts and analysis of our funding over that time. Great job! Hard shoes to fill, but if anyone out there would like to take on the Treasurer position please let me know, I'm sure Michelle would be more than happy to talk you through what the role entails. 

If you are interested in any of these roles please contact me and I will give you some more information. 

Thanks to all, especially for your understanding over my distraction and lack of time over the last few weeks.

The minutes of Monday's meeting will be available soon, I assume Caroline has a lot of notes to plough through, so your patience would be appreciated.


Sunday, 10 March 2013


The next P&C meeting will take place in the School Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 18th March. This will be a regular meeting and not the AGM, and there are several important items on the agenda. We would encourage you to come along if you are interested in these topics and welcome everyone's thoughts.

Agenda includes:

1.  Security Issues. Shanti has invited a Security Director from the Dept of Education's Security Unit to join us. He will talk to us about policies and also about the advice given to the school in relation to vandalism and potential solutions.  This will be an excellent opportunity for us to hear from the Security Dept and to ask questions.
2. Priorities for funding in 2013. The P&C funds come from tireless fundraising by all families in the school so come along and have your say about where this money should be spent.
3. Fundraising:-
Options for Fireworks Night this year 
Preliminary details about this year's Major Fundraiser

4. Principal's Report.

5. Environment update.

6. Uniform Shop - initial conversations about considering an on-line option.

If you are not able to attend the meeting but would like to submit a question or comment, then please email your class parent or Ros Van Extel, the P&C Class Parent Coordinator (on, or make a comment on the blog - some comments have already been made, which is great.   Join a conversation thread or start your own.  

This year, we have a revised Federation of P&C's handbook and Beauty Point, in it's historically relaxed manner, has not been 'officially' running the P&C in the way intended in the regulations. 

One of these requirements is that whilst everyone at the school and anyone who lives in our catchment area has an open invitation to attend a P&C meeting to listen and air their views, only official P&C Members can vote on a decision.  It's not an onerous task - you attend a meeting and pay $1, this ensures your financial membership and you can then vote on decisions at your next meeting. This will mean that officially voting on decisions can't take place on Monday night but it won't stop the discussions. It will mean that for our AGM we will all be able to vote.

We hope to see you on Monday night and if you want to become a paid up voting member please bring $1 (no cheques thanks).

Damian and The P&C Committee

The next P&C meeting will be held on 18th March, 7.30pm in the school hall.

Please use the comment box below to request anything to be added the the agenda, or speak to you class parent.